Welcome to the partner area. Here you will find resources to help you with Financial Planning and Estate Planning.
If you are looking for resources regarding Legacy Planning please visit our sister site Hereditas.
Estate Planning is designed to transfer the greatest amount of financial assets with the smallest tax liability possible to your intended Beneficiaries and is one of three fundamental components of a true and effective Wealth Management strategy.
When explored fully and tailored to your individual situation, the benefits of the Estate Planning process extend even further, to provide invaluable protection of your financial wealth against potential threats from erosion by taxation, inflation, long term care assessment, inheritance tax, co-habitation and re-marriage.
We believe that everyone should be able to benefit from having a complete and comprehensive Estate Plan, which is vital for the preservation and protection of your financial wealth. We are therefore proud to be able to offer you access to The Willing Wisdom Index™.
What is the Willing Wisdom Index™?
The Willing Wisdom Index™ is an insightful and informative process designed to support and guide you as you consider crucial Estate Planning questions and prepare to pass on your Financial Legacy.
How does it benefit me?
Once you have completed the short questionnaire, you will be provided with a complementary Estate Planning report detailing the steps you can take towards a more whole and impermeable Estate Plan. This will help to protect not only your financial wealth but also your intended Beneficiaries.
Why now?
The events of 2020/21 have for many of us brought the adequacy of our Wealth Management strategies sharply into focus. Now more than ever, individuals and families across the UK are identifying a very real need to assess their financial situation and take clear and decisive steps towards securing their wealth for themselves and the generations that follow.
Is there a cost?
The only cost to you is the 10-15 minutes of your time that it takes to complete the questionnaire and receive your report and Estate Planning checklist.
We guarantee that this will be one of the simplest investments you will ever make and one which your future self will thank you for.
If you wish to be contacted by a partner of the Wealth For Life Partnership team regarding the results in your report, please tick "Yes, send this report to my advisor" at the end of your questionnaire. If you have any questions or queries about your Willing Wisdom Index™ report or would like to speak to a Wealth For Life Partner about the revelevant options available to you and your family please click here.